Motivation for this Site
Why did I build this website? I’ve been playing with the idea of starting my own personal site revolving around my progress in learning Japanese and Koupen-chan translations. I didn’t have many ideas of what I could put on this site, at first, so I put it off until now. But after doing more translations on Twitter, I wanted a place where I could put all the neat information I found while researching, without the strict character limit on Twitter, and ugly tweet-chaining. I figured a blog format would work better.
I also wanted to subtitle videos on the Koupen-channel on YouTube, but with the recent announcement that community contributions are being deprecated, I have to find another way yet again. And I just got the Koupen-channel to enable community contributed subtitles, too! They have yet to publish any of the subs I submitted, however. So as a temporary stopgap, I’ll be transcribing the videos here, since I can embed YouTube videos and slap some text below them… No worries, I made sure to save the subs for the whole 6 videos I subbed so far.
I figured that while I’m at it, I may as well add a blog for my learning progress, where I can write about learning Japanese in ways that don’t necessarily pertain to Koupen-chan. I also converted my personal resources Google Doc into a nice, organized webpage for people to peruse, so I hope that comes in handy to someone!
Well, it’s late, so time to catch up with Anki before I need to sleep, as usual!