Pocketing Your Pain
C: “Be put away voluntarily“
Polar Bear: “Is this yours?”
Cloud: Distress
Polar Bear: “I’ll take care of it for now.”
Image 1
Polar Bear: 「これは君のかな?」
Purple cloud:(苦悩)
Image 3
Polar Bear: 「ひとまず僕が引き受けるんだよ」
Translation + Notes
“Be put away voluntarily“
勝手 (katte) by itself can mean selfishness, but here that doesn’t make a lot of sense… So what does “勝手に” (katte ni) together mean? I found that Jisho.org has a separate entry for katte ni, and it means “(adverb) arbitrarily; of its own accord; voluntarily; wilfully; willfully; as one pleases.” I chose “voluntarily” here based on the context in Image 3, where it seems like Polar Bear is volunteering to help take care of your agony.
しまわれる (shimawareru) is simply the passive form of 仕舞う (shimau), which means “to put away” in this context.
Image 1
Polar Bear: “Is this yours?”
Purple cloud: (kunou) Mental agony, anguish, suffering, distress
Image 3
Polar Bear: “I’ll take care of it for now.”
ひとまず (hitomazu) means “for now; for the time being; for the present” and is usually written with kana alone.
引き受ける (hiki ukeru) means “to take on” or “to take over” and so on (see Jisho link for full definition).
This is my very first translation that’s website-first, and not Twitter-first! I figured the formatting and workflow would be much easier if I had an unrestricted canvas to work with, instead of Twitter’s restrictive character count and clunky UI. It used to be that I could click the image while in the process of drafting my retweet and clicking off would take me back to my draft. But recently, they changed the behavior such that if you click something else during a retweet draft, and then click off, it closes your draft! It does save it in your Drafts, but it doesn’t have the attached quoted tweet anymore, so I’d have to copy and paste it into a fresh retweet…
I also figured I should make the most of this site since I paid money for it, after all. :b
I hope you enjoyed this translation! Please leave comments if you have any questions, formatting suggestions, or errors to point out. Thank you!