Yokoshima Enaga-san’s Birthday 2021 (4/29)
C: April 29th is Yokoshima Enaga-san’s birthday
Y: Ku ku ku…!
Foolish humans…
Celebrate my thousandth year!
(You know!, today is my birthday!)
Yokoshima Enaga-san
Evil (?) Shima Enaga-san (long-tailed tit).
Small, round, and fluffy.
Despite the fact that they speak in an evil-sounding manner, they’re at the age where they want to look cool.
Reveals their kindness without meaning to.
Banner: “Treasures”
Yokoshi-manteau (“Yokoshima” cloak)
Received from everyone on their birthday!
On top of Koupen-chan’s head is their secret hideout—>
Ku ku ku…
Translation Notes
Yokoshi-manteau is a pun combining Yokoshima and manteau (マント (manto) in Japanese), which means a mantle or cloak (Jisho).
Deconstructing the Hardest Sentence
kakkou tsuketagari na o-toshigoro de, warusou na shaberi-kata wo shiteiru monono.
かっこうつけたがり (tends to want to show off) なお年頃 (appropriate age) で (and)、悪そう(bad-sounding/seeming)な しゃべり方 (way of speaking) を している (doing) ものの (although, though, despite)。
However actually translating this into natural English is really difficult and I’m not 100% sure if the nuance DeepL creates is the same as what rurutea intended… I’m also not sure if my translation is 100% correct/natural so please take it with a grain of salt! I’m always open to corrections/suggestions sent to me via Twitter!
References Used
格好つける (to affect a stylish air; to try to look good; to show off)
年頃: age of maturity
gari meaning: tendency to (kakkou tsukeru —> kakkou tsuketai —> kakkou tsuketagari: tendency to want to look cool)
ついつい: unintentionally
にじみ出る: to reveal itself (of emotions, etc.)
ものの: although; though; despite the fact that ...
This one was pretty complicated for me so I had to cross-reference with DeepL and learned a lot.