Happy 1st Birthday, Koupen-chan! (April 4th, 2018)
C: April 4th is — wowowowow — Koupen-chan’s birthday! 🎉
“I released a LINE theme to commemorate 1 year of Koupen-chan!!“
“Thank you for your continued support of Koupen-chan 🍀“
Koupen-chan: Yesterday was Adult Penguin-san’s birthday, but… I wonder when my birthday is…?
Everyone else: It’s today~!!
Koupen-chan: Ehh~!!
Polar Bear-san’s sash: Amazing
Koupen-chan: Mmh~!! I’m so happy… Thank you~! Let’s keep being together lots!!
Polar Bear-san: April 4th is Koupen-chan’s birthday!!
Adelie-san: Heey, let’s have some cake~!! Mizu Manjuu, Shiratama Dango, and you, come here and take a seat~!
Yokoshima-Enaga-san: Ku ku ku… It… it suits you…! *mumble mumble*
Translator Note
Mizu Manjuu (a type of dessert, Wikipedia) is a nickname Adelie-san gave to Koupen-chan due to their resemblance in shape and color when they’re rolled up in a ball.
Shiratama Dango (white mochi balls, justonecookbook) refers to Yokoshima Enaga-san, due to their small round ball shape.
Reference for Yokoshima Enaga’s monyo monyo onomatopoeia: https://ja.hinative.com/questions/13850052, Jisho.org
“Thank you for always spending time with Koupen-chan!!
To commemorate the 1 year anniversary, I tried making a LINE theme. If you’d like, please take a peek at it.
Koupen-chan is smiling because they’re always happy that you’re here. Thank you so much.
I humbly ask for your continued support.” - Rurutea
Koupen-chan: “I love you too” magic~! ❤️
Original Tweet
This other artist called Moku Moku-chan drew this picture to congratulate Koupen-chan on their first anniversary.
C: Happy Birthday, Koupen-chan~~
Rurutea replied with this tweet:
C: Ahh!! What a blessed illustration… I’m deeply moved.
“Furthermore, it’s with Moku Moku-chan themself…! Moku Moku-chan-san, thank you so much as always! I’ve gone ahead and given you headpats, oops.“
Koupen-chan: Thank you headpats~!
Yokoshima Enaga-san: Ku ku ku… Headpats from your blind spot… Truly evil…!