Koupen-chan Exhibit (Dec 2023)
C: Just one more day until the Koupen-chan Exhibit 🍀*
There's also a Koupen-chan Collab cafe on the same floor☕️
*As of Dec 14, Japan time.
Koupen-chan Exhibit
Dec 15 (Friday) - Dec 29, 2023 (Friday)
Venue: Matsuya Ginza 8F
K (left): Oh~
More than 150 original illustrations on display... but that's not all!
We’d like you to enjoy a peaceful time with Koupen-chan, so we have prepared many things that will make you go, “Oh, my!”
K (middle): Wow~!
Please… If you would, please come~!!!
C: The “Koupen-chan Exhibit” starts today 🌸 (Dec 15)
It’s an art exhibit full of Koupen-chan.
By all means, please come 🍀
We’ll be waiting~!
Event info: https://koupenchan-info.jp/p23/koupenchanten/
*Thinking of you*
Rurutea: “Around noon in Ginza today (Dec 15), the weather is cloudy, and it might rain? In the morning it’s going to be about 8 to 10 degrees Celsius, so please come wearing warm clothes 🍀“
“Just to be safe, you may need an umbrella… or you may not?“
Top right: Scallop
Bottom right: Cat
Bottom left: Haniwa (Clay figure)
C: Today was the last day of the Koupen-chan Exhibit 🍀
“Seeing those who looked around the exhibit silently, those who uttered ‘Oh my~!’ upon seeing the diaramas, those who embraced the giant Koupen-chan, those who nodded while gazing at the animation(s)… filled me with so much energy. Thank you so much to everyone who came!!“
Thank you so much for the Koupen-chan Exhibit in Matsuya Ginza!!
Koupen-chan: I’m glad I was able to look around with you~!
Rurutea: May I be able to tour around… Please… I will come to wherever you are…
TN: Made a best guess here with the help of Google Translate and DeepL. Please bear with me.
Original Tweets
C: Just one more day until the Koupen-chan Exhibit 🍀*
There's also a Koupen-chan Collab cafe on the same floor☕️
*As of Dec 14, Japan time.
C: The “Koupen-chan Exhibit” starts today 🌸 (Dec 15)
It’s an art exhibit full of Koupen-chan.
By all means, please come 🍀
We’ll be waiting~!
Event info: https://koupenchan-info.jp/p23/koupenchanten/
C: Today was the last day of the Koupen-chan Exhibit 🍀
“Seeing those who looked around the exhibit silently, those who uttered ‘Oh my~!’ upon seeing the diaramas, those who embraced the large Koupen-chan, those who nodded while gazing at the animation(s)… filled me with lots of energy. To everyone who came, thank you so much!!“