Koupen-chan Radio (Compilation)
C: Koupen-chan Radio!
K: It’s time for Hanamaru Morning to make your morning wholesome! The first day of summer has passed! Summer is on its way~ 🎶
C: Koupen-chan radio!
K: It’s time for Hanamaru Morning to make your morning heartwarming!
Today, a song request is coming~ It comes from pseudonym Evil Avatar-san, “Evil Heart Communication*“ (jashin denshin) ! Please take a listen~ 🎶
The previous tweet linked the following tweet in its reply, saying, “邪心伝心 (jashin denshin) refers to this"!”
C: Koupen-chan made a Hanamaru Concert song setlist! (Even though there’s no concert)
Koupen-chan Hanamaru Concert (with you!)
Koupen-chan March
Fish Paste Parade
Zun-zun-zunda Mochi
Kukuku Darkness (Yokoshima Enaga-san)
Jashin Denshin (Koupen-chan and Enaga-san)
Wanna Eat Lots of Choco Nanana
Botamochi Fly (Adult Penguin-san)
Welcome to Adelie’s Cafeteria (Adelie-san * glint *)
Even When You Grow Up (Adult’s Group)
Our Summer Break
We Came to Praise You!!
Strawberry Milk Song (It would be a great help if you turn your glowsticks to pink)
Super Monyanko Deluxe (By all means, please participate in the Call & Response)
~ Encore ~Yes Yes Tomorrow
Perfect Kotatsu Day (Definitely chant along “Po-poi!”)
With you! Hanamaru Perfect Day
Year 2870 Hanamaru Tour Goods
Top Left: Koupen-chan Hoodie
Top Right: Yokoshima Enaga-san Hoodie
Bottom Left: Pink Koupen-chan Hoodie
Bottom Right: Hanamaru Tour T-shirt
Wristband: Hanamaru nandayo~
Koupen-chan “It’s a hanamaru~!” Rubber band
You can get the wristband by exchanging your ticket stub! Wear it during the concert, okay!
K: Uh-huh (<— doesn’t get it)
C: Koupen-chan Radio!
Originally published March 2020.
K: It’s time for your relaxing Hanamaru morning!
Po~ I brought the ocarina again today~!
SFX: Po po po~ 🎶
Translator Notes
邪心伝心(jashin denshin)
Please don’t quote me on the 4-kanji compound translation (邪心伝心 (jashin denshin)), lol. It seems to be something made up, so I just did my best.
It might be a reference to this actual 4-kanji compound that references Zen Buddhism, 以心伝心 (ishin denshin), which means to communicate and understand each other without words.
So maybe, 邪心伝心 (jashin denshin) means something along the lines of… communicating through evil? Actually, this does go in line with Yokoshima’s character very well — they’re a total tsundere, acting evil yet being well-meaning.
Nerimono Parade
This is clearly a pun. 練り物 (nerimono) means both fish paste and parade float; procession, for some reason.
Links go to jisho.org.
ほやほや (hoyahoya)
立夏 (rikka)