Koupen-chan Gets an Official Anime!!!

Official Website: https://www.koupenchan-anime.jp/

Note: If you are new to Koupen-chan, then please check out the Character Introductions to learn more!

And please keep in mind that Rurutea has not explicitly gendered any of these characters as of the time of writing! In fact, they have explicitly stated that the gender of Koupen-chan is unknown, as many of them exist all around us. There is no single Koupen-chan. :)

December 17th, 2024: Key Visual released

Title: โ€œKoupen-chanโ€

The first trailer was also released this day, linked from this twitter post:


Summary of Ruruteaโ€™s Announcement

December 17, 2024

Summary: Koupen-chan is getting an anime adaptation! TV Asahi will broadcast it in Spring 2025.

Rurutea-sensei: "This is entirely thanks to everyone who has supported us! Let's watch it together!!"

Koupen-chan TV Anime Adaptation Celebration!

Koupen-chan: Amazing~!

Yokoshima Enaga-san: Behold my part!

C: Thank you very much for your support throughout this year! The TV anime starts next spring, too ๐ŸŽ‰ Please look forward to it~!

โ€œI wish everyone a Happy New Year ๐Ÿ€โ€

Koupen-chan: Thank you for 2024! We'll be together next year too~!!


Tribute from sattou0

C: Getting an anime is great

March 5th, 2025: Comment from Rurutea-sensei

The second trailer was also released alongside this comment, at the following post:


โ€œThe anime adaptation was made possible thanks to everyoneโ€™s support.

I would like to express my joy and gratitude.

I was able to meet with the animators and convey my drawing style, and Iโ€™m completely satisfied with the results.

We were able to keep the same voice actors for previously voiced characters. Furthermore, the music and many other wishes of mine were granted, so it is packed with maaany things I wanted to do.

Starting Sunday morning, please have fun with Koupen-chan by your side.โ€

Original & Related Tweets

Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Translation & Commentary Tweets

Koupen-chan's Friend

The creator and primary author of this site who loves Koupen-chan and learning Japanese.


Pink Koupen-chan (and other color variations)