Pink Koupen-chan (and other color variations)

C: Koupen-chan Color Variation

They have no idea [that their color changed]

Pink Koupen-chan

A Koupen-chan that drank strawberry milk. They'll return to their original color after a little while.

C: Koupen-chan Color Variation


C: Koupen-chan Color Variation


Matcha Koupen-chan

A Koupen-chan that drank matcha green tea.
They’ll return to their original color after a little while.

Koupen-chan: Prim and proper...

C: Koupen-chan Color Variation


C: Koupen-chan Color Variation

They don't feel cold

Aqua Blue Koupen-chan

Why they are aqua blue has been and will forever be a mystery. They will return their original color after a little while.

C: Koupen-chan Color Variation


C: The Mystery of Aqua Blue Koupen-chan

Yokoshima Enaga-san: They didn’t turn blue even from Blue Hawaiian shaved ice or Ramune! My investigation of that one continues…

TN: Ramune is a type of soda, often associated with a light blue color.

C: Koupen-chan Color Variation

Remarkably warm

Houjicha Koupen-chan

A Koupen-chan who drank houjicha (roasted green tea).

They will return to their original color after a little while.

Koupen-chan: I'm getting warm~

C: Koupen-chan Color Variation

They’re always warm

Koupen-chan: Here’s a good morning hug! For some reason, I’m warmer than usual…

Original Tweets

Original Translation Tweets

Koupen-chan's Friend

The creator and primary author of this site who loves Koupen-chan and learning Japanese.


Koupen-chan Gets an Official Anime!!!


Koupen-chan & in Jelly Collab